Join us for the Fulton Five on Sunday, 2:30
October 30th, 2010

The 2010 Fulton Five Fun Run on Sunday, October 31 at 2:30 pm.
The Nashwaaksis Middle School - off Fulton Avenue - is the start and finish for the event.
This year we will be running in the counter-clockwise direction. The course is as follows:
Starting at the Nashwaaksis Middle School, you descend the school driveway;
turn left onto Fulton Avenue and run until it reaches Maple Avenue (please use the sidewalk);
run on Maple Avenue until it reaches Douglas Avenue;
turn left at Douglas Avenue and climb to the top of Douglas Avenue, then enjoy the downhill until you reach Fulton Avenue;
turn left on Fulton Avenue,  and run to the driveway leading to Nashwaaksis Middle School;
Turn left and run up the driveway and back to the start/finish line
No registration fee, no shirt, no prizes, no published times.

Showers are available at the school Field house post run (there may be a small fee charged) and participants congregate at Mama's Pub on Brookside Drive afterwards for a post-race meal and beverage.
Contact Bernie Arseneau if you need additional details.