Impressive!January 10th, 2010
Hello everybody,
Now to Wednesday’s run: 10 minutes slow and 30 minutes hard and 10 minutes of cool-down. Again, everybody participated and I think nobody gave up, which means another successful evening of running.
The climax was Saturday morning! It was an impressive group of about 35-40 people who went for 65 minutes of pace-running. The only thing I remember from that morning is that the Rev was behind me, not for long though. He had some excuse that his calf was hurting but I don’t believe one word of it. If so, take some ibuprofen like I’ve been doing for years. Maybe take 2 because I need competition.
Take care and see you on the hills of Albert tomorrow night !
From “The Back of The Pack” Harry
January 9 198
Distance 38
New shoes (still in closet) 0