CCRR Strategy SessionApril 10th, 2010
Please plan to attend the CCRR 2010-2011 Strategy Session that will be held on Saturday April 10, 2010 at Isaac's Way, after the run (estimated start time 11:00-11:30)
Please complete the survey questions (see below, same as last year). If possible, please send your survey to Jim Ketterling anytime before the meeting at or pass it on to any member of the CCRR Exec.
2010-2011 CCRR Member Survey:
A) How well does the club meet your needs?
1. One good point: _____________________________________________
2. One opportunity to improve: ____________________________________________
B) How well does the club meet the needs of others? (i.e. potential members)
1. One good point: _____________________________________
2. One opportunity to improve: ____________________________________________
Meeting Agenda:
1. The year in Review: Strategy Map, activities, initiatives, finances. 15 min.
2. Fall Classic 2010 planning - request for Committe members and helpers. 10 min.
2. Group discussion on survey results and brainstorming on new initiatives for 2010-2011. 30 min
3. Reminder that the next CCRR Executive election will be in February 2011. 5 min.